
Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby Names

It's very hard to come up with the perfect baby name.  One that you not only like, but that you can actually imagine naming your child.  Before today I had come up with several female names that I really liked, but I couldn't really picture myself holding a brand new baby daughter with any of those names.  But.... I think I've finally found one that seems to fit!  I may have finally, officially picked a girl name!  What a relief!

I think it's a really special name.  The meaning is beautiful, it's very simple and classy, and yet it's no where NEAR being a "top" name in the US- so it's unique.  I think that it was somewhere between #300 and #400 in name popularity in the US last year, don't quote me on that. A little girl with that name would be unlikely to share the same name with any of her classmates but it's not weird or unusual at all so she shouldn't be an outcast.

I don't think I'm ready to announce the first name yet but I will say this:  If we have a girl, she will most likely have 2 middle names- Leona and Karyn.  Leona was my maternal grandmother's name, and my mom and mother in law are named Karen and Karan.  We wanted to change the spelling of "Karen" so that the name didn't honor one grandmother more than the other, and it came down to Karyn or Karin.  Eric hates the "i" version, so we'll go with the "y".  I'm so excited about the prospect of honoring my grandmother, mom, and mom-in-law with the name.  I just really hope we have a girl!

I'm thinking that I'll announce the name on the day I find out the gender of the baby, if the baby is a girl.  If the baby is a boy I will announce that too, but I won't announce the name until we are sure we have picked the right one.  Hopefully I will find out the gender in about a month or maybe even less if they think I need an ultrasound at my 17 week appointment.  My uterus is growing so quickly that (according to my own calculations) it was already as high as my belly button at 15.5 weeks- quite a bit higher than average.  I could barely even feel it in my stomach yet at 13 weeks so the growth in those 2.5 weeks was astounding, and I think it's how quickly it grew that concerns me the most.  I hope nothing is wrong (like too much fluid, for example), but I'm not going to worry about it right now because I feel the baby moving a few times a day and that's a great sign.  Yesterday hubby even felt it!  I'm not crossing my fingers on an ultrasound this upcoming week but there's always a possibility, especially if I really do have an anterior placenta.  Perhaps the baby will hide from the doppler again this time so we get a chance to see him/her.

Now I just need a special boy name.  I have a few in mind that I like, but I'm not sure yet if they will officially make the cut.  This is yet another reason why this baby needs to be a girl, and why the baby most likely will be a boy.  =)


  1. With Andrew, his name came to me right away. With #2, I was so certain it was a girl that I didn't even have a boy name picked out. I did look for a boy name but like you, nothing seemed to fit. Luckily Addicyn was a girl and I didn't have to go back to the baby name book!

  2. Names are a tricky thing, but in the end it just always seems to fit them so well


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