
Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Background on My Blog: Gut Road PA

If anyone arrives at this blog after doing a search for Gut Road and would like to talk about it with me, go ahead and e-mail me at  I know when I first found the road I was intrigued and interested because it was such a creepy place, and when I researched online I couldn't find any information about it.  I would have loved to find someone else to talk to about Gut road who could confirm my suspicions that something creepy is going on in that place!  My hubby and I have spent quite a lot of time at Gut Road  and we love to talk with others about their stories!  Read the rest of this blog if you'd like to see some more pictures and learn some more about what really happened at Gut road.

In case anyone reads this blog, and anyone is curious, the picture on my blog's background is actually really special to me.  It was taken at a road called Gut Road in York County, Pennsylvania.  As you can see it's the side of a bridge with some spray painting on it, and on the other side of the bridge there is grass, rocks, water, and lots of pretty earthy things.  =)  This picture is a representation of my Wanderlust days (read this post if you would like more details about that).

One of the first times my husband and I took a spontaneous road adventure, we had a blast driving around locally and turning down every road we could find that we've never driven on before. That night we were driving around in the York Haven/East Manchester area at night when we approached a road on the right side with a railroad bridge going over top of it.  (The bridge in the picture is actually a bridge you drive on further down the road.)  My husband was driving and I requested to him that we turn down that road and see what's back there.  He turned right on to the road, we drove under the bridge, and I felt a muted sort of panic coming over me within seconds. We were so cheerful and happy at the time that it didn't really overcome me right away and we kept laughing, joking, and singing like normal.  It was pitch black, the road was hardly paved and very bumpy, and there were no houses.  There were no buildings whatsoever.  On our left side there was a tall hill, sort of like the side of a cliff, and on the right side... well we couldn't see anything on the right side.  I was wondering the entire time what in the world this road is for.  There is nothing along the road that could possibly make the road worth existing.

It wasn't until we had been driving on the same, dark road for several minutes that we finally got quiet and stopped joking around. I said something to Eric about how creepy the road is, and found out that he was also feeling the same way.  I remember I had to pee really really bad and I told Eric I would rather pee my pants in the car than stop along this road to go in the woods, and he didn't blame me.  It felt like the road was endless.  Now that I've traveled the road dozens of times I know that it only takes maybe 10 minutes to go the whole length, maybe a little less if you don't drive slowly because of the bumps, but that night it felt like we were on it for hours.  It felt like we were trapped in a nightmare with no way out.

The next day we went back to the road, and to my surprise it wasn't creepy at all in the daytime.  It was beautiful.  It was one of the most beautiful places I'd ever seen, because the lighting was just right that day.  Everything looked the richest shade of green, and the water on the right side of the road (which we hadn't seen the night before) was almost blue- probably because the sky and everything else reflected off of it like a mirror.  But I couldn't help but feel like the beauty in the daytime was only a mask, and that underneath it was actually the really bad place that we experienced the night before.

After doing a lot of research, I found out more about the road.  It's called Gut Road, but it doesn't show up on most maps or GPSs.  Several people have died there from a variety of different reasons.  I read about one person who committed suicide there, and at least one young kid who died in a car crash.  A few others were the victims of a horrible crime, and they almost died as well.  Here is a link to an article describing the horrifying crime that that occurred there.  Below is a few of the paragraphs from the article I felt summed it up the best:

Eventually Babner and his captives ended up on a bumpy, unpaved road in a remote wooded area in East Manchester Township along the river’s bank. It was now dusk and cold. Babner raped Danielle repeatedly, then ordered the two out of the truck and told them to walk toward the river. With their backs to him, they heard the gun go off. “Dan fell right in front of me. Blood was coming from his mouth. I thought, ‘OK, we’re going to die.’ I got down on my knees; Dan and I said goodbye and said we loved each other. I suddenly felt a lot of pressure in my head, and then everything went dark.”
The next thing she remembers was waking in the cold river. She could not move her left leg. She was bleeding from her mouth, spitting out teeth, and her tongue was severed. She spied Dan in the river, and they began swimming toward each other. Dan was a certified lifesaver, and he was able to keep her afloat as she struggled in the cold current. When they looked back to the shore, they noticed Babner watching them. Dan told her to play dead. Eventually Babner, convinced that he had killed them, got back in his truck and drove off.

It's hard to believe all those bad things happened at our special place.  But then again, not really.  We've experienced many beautiful moments there, many scary moments, a handful of weird ones, but thank God we've never experienced any dangerous ones as many people have before us.  I think that road has a lot to say to anyone who travels it, and it's been intriguing Eric and I ever since the first time we were there.  

I've talked to a few local people online who said to me, "Gut Road is haunted, ask anyone who lives in the area" as if it's a common fact.  But no matter how much and how often I research the place online, I can't find much about it other than official reports about the tragedies that occurred there.  I'm not sure if Gut Road is haunted or not, although I'm inclined to say yes.  Eric and I believe in that sort of thing, however silly or strange that may seem to those who don't.  But it doesn't matter if Gut Road is haunted, it's a place we feel very connected to because we have history there together.  It's hard not to form an attachment to a place where you have experienced such a range of strong emotions, from fear to joy.


  1. I too believe in those feelings, those emotions. I think you both felt those spirits that first night, why else would you have done the research? Without those feelings, without the research the stories would be untold of those unfortunate souls.

    Was he captured and sentenced?

  2. I know my husband and I aren't the only people who have felt that way at Gut Road. Although very little information or rumors about Gut Road have made it to the internet, I've talked to a few people who say the road is haunted, and some have even heard that there is an entrance to Hell under one of the bridges. While I am sure that last part isn't true, I think the negative rumors concerning the place are the result of the scary vibe you get sometimes when you're there.

    As for William Babner: Yes, he was captured and sentenced. He is in jail for life, and I read that he would have to live until age 158 to be eligible for parole. I'm not sure if I emphasized this in my post, but that couple survived what he did to them, which is a miracle. I never heard of someone surviving being shot in the head until I read about that. Unfortunately there have been a few deaths that occurred on Gut Road. I wish those people had been lucky enough to survive as well.

  3. Yes, Anna I do get email notices when people leave comments on my blog, and thus saw your response. I responded on my blog also in case others were interested. To me, this back and forth is exactly the ticket. Thanks for the follow up. Glad to hear Babner has gotten 158 years! What a miracle about the couple living, I wondered and am glad you've added that in your comment.

  4. There was a rumor of a creature kind of sounded like the Jersey Devil, living on one of the islands along gut rd. I have a friend who lived in Saginaw when we were kids, that's how I found out about the place, on interesting thing I used to take note of is at night there's porch lights, but usually no people out in that town. Have you visited Toad Rd, it's not to far from Gut Rd, lost of stories about that place too.

  5. I forgot to mention the Codorus Furnace, down from Gut Rd. A bunch of us were out driving around and saw about 8 glowing (bluish) in white robes with hoods literally walk into the side if the furnace where it's filled in with bricks, that was wild.

  6. Nice, thanks for the stories PAjuggalo. =) Yes I have been to both the furnace and Toad Road. I actually did have something unusual happen when I was driving on Toad Road, but I never got out to explore there since I frequently hear how heavily patrolled it is by the police these days. The furnace was also really interesting to visit, but I can't say that anything really interesting happened to me there. I probably wouldn't want to get out of the car there at night time though!

  7. I am glad i am not the only person who felt the exact same way at Gut Road, A friends boyfriend had introduced us to it. And for the past two years it had become a hangout for us during the summer nights and daytime. I have tons of stories that happened whilst we were there Lol. I also thought the place so beautiful during the day but when we would go Party along the river during the night the second dirt road that continues past the bridge to the right would always give me the sickest feeling of worry and anxiousness. Even though i've sat back there a hundred time during the night with friends i could never shake that feeling. I've stopped going there unfortunaly after the last inciden but i find myself wanting to go back there. It is a very alluring area.

  8. Wow it's been a long time since you commented, Marie, but I'll respond anyway in case you find your way back here. I know exactly what you mean about it being an "alluring" area. It sure is! My husband and I felt compelled to go there time after time no matter how much it scared us, and at one point we were visiting it several times a week. The desire to go there has never gone away, but we hardly make it anymore because we live in Columbia and don't have the time or gas money to head over that way often. The feeling I get there at night is just... sick. Ironically, all of the stories I have about the place happened in the daytime. And yet daytime just doesn't feel so scary. If you'd ever like to share your experiences with me, feel free to e-mail me at or post another comment here. So sorry it took me so long to respond! You posted this comment 2 days before we moved to our current home and I must have forgotten to respond in all the "moving" chaos.

  9. Hi did any.body ever tell you why gut road was haunted . I have lived here 30 years all my life and my grandmother wouldn't tell me why lol. So maybe u can thanks

  10. I live on 2nd street, the road beside the railroad tracks and The Gut. I think the whole area is haunted, including our 100+ hear old house. But I love it here.

  11. Anybody know what is up with Gut road and Saginaw in general? I never see people outside and the creepy vibe at night.

  12. I go back that way pretty often with my dogs to take photos. I have not felt any unease back there even as I went through at night or twilight. I have only been through there at night once or twice but never felt afraid. I would love to hear more about the place though. I found this blog through a search of Gut Road.

  13. Do you know about the abandon limestone quarry up the hill from Gut Road? There's a huge pit half full of water, and old concrete buildings. Someone has photos on Flikr
    The Pagan motorcycl club once had a huge party there, and much of the grafiti is from that incident. It is private property, so legaly, you can't go check it out.

    There's another quarry hole a bit to the north. This one is next to an old cemetery.

    The whole area is a fascinating "neck of the woods"

    1. My son passed away on gut Road on November 20th 2010 I thought I had lost my first name was Christopher tuszynski. There had been strange things that we could not explain happened and that area I told my mother that there was there is a fishing rod welded in a tree high off where the accident happen he hit a pothole and rolled into the river there's also some pictures on the tree that are faded.

    2. Christopher ptaszynski. Died 11/20/10 if anyone could get me information on who I can talk to about that road I would so appreciate it sorry about the misspelling

  14. When I was 16 my friend and I lived in York Haven. We rode our bikes to Gut Road, trying to find the Quarry I heard about, that people would jump off a cliff into 300ft water!
    We rode our bikes to the big stair case that leads to the rail road tracks. Found the little trail a little ways up and to the right of the tracks. We followed it and found a bunch of abandoned little houses or cabins as she remembers. After a bit she says we had to pee, but my vivid memory is that we walked down a steep hill/cliff and found the quarry! It was magical... White sand, tropical fish, deep blue water! It was Feb 29 2004, I was born on leap year and it was my birthday.

    We got into the water and were so scared we held onto a big piece of coral... We got out and looked around a bit and then peed and walked back up. When we got to our bikes, it was getting dark... We found a truck driving down and asked to use his phone to call my mom and brother to pick us up!

    I asked my friend about it yesterday and she didn't remember, she says we peed and walked up but didn't see anything 😭 It WAS there, I have thought about it half my life. Now my husband says he will go and adventure it with me and try to find it again. But the thought kinda scares me. I feel like I know exactly how to get there,but maybe would need a group of people... Not sure what you could run into!

  15. She found pictures we took of that day! One is of her on the trail,and a few of us on gut road!

  16. A young man died in an automobile accident on that road. His name was Christopher Ptaszynski. I believe it was Nov 2010. His vehicle overturned and killed him.��

  17. Not making this up but about 4 years ago i drove past a cow head on gut road, i drove down there to see it because i heard rumours of it being there from friends so i went the next day. But anyway i think ive only went down gut road at night like 3 times. But ive been there numoerous times when i was in highschool me and my friends would go swim, fish, have a little fire on the river and those are some of my favorite memories! But i loved gut and it is alluring but always seem to have a sense of dread when in there like the energy dosnt seem right. It creeps me out but i love it

  18. Thanks for sharing! Going back to the story with Dan and Danielle, Danielle is my mother’s friend and has been since before this incident. Danielle is back to her normal self and is great to hang out with! God really gave a miracle

  19. Thanks for sharing! Going back to the story with Dan and Danielle, Danielle is my mother’s friend and has been since before this incident. Danielle is back to her normal self and is great to hang out with! God really gave a miracle


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