
Sunday, September 26, 2010


Well today is a day I've been both dreading and excited for!  Today is the first day that I've been cold since I've lived in Tennessee.  I went to my thermostat to turn the AC off because I was freezing, and then I realized the air conditioning wasn't even on!  So I opened the door to our porch, stepped out, and stepped right back in.  It's a cloudy (and rainy) 64 degrees outside, but I am sure is being generous with the whole "64" thing.  It feels more like 54.  Or 44.  I'm not freezing cold, but cold enough that I'm wearing a hoody and a scarf inside and I'm still chilly.  I'm thinking about adding a blankie and maybe even some hot chocolate to top it off.  Would it be insane to turn on the heat in 65 degree temps?  I guess since I've been living in Tennessee since May with constant 95 degree days I'm not used to a temperature as low as 65.

Anyway, why would I look forward to being cold?  Because that means I can start wearing all the fabulous hats I've made!  My hat of choice today is nothing special or fancy, but I fell in love with K2P2 ribbing when I tried on this hat for the first time.  I love stretchy hats that can fit just about anyone, and k2p2 is just the right stitch combination to make a hat that's versatile that way.  As long as the hat is LONG ENOUGH! I originally made this hat for my hubby.  After I finished the hat I realized I should have made it about 1 or 2 inches longer because the brim wasn't wide enough to cover his ears up right.  I have a smaller head and smaller ears so it fits me better than it fits him. It's so much easier to figure out length when you are crocheting a hat because you can try it on and keep adding rows to the bottom if it's not long enough.    Knitted hats are worked from the bottom up so you can never be sure EXACTLY how a hat will fit until you've finished the hat.  When I'm knitting I always overestimate how much length the decrease rows will add, and so my hats are always a tad shorter than I'd like.  With the exception of my first Bella hat.  That one ended up too long because I followed someone else's pattern without using a gauge.  Maybe one of these days I'll get a hat right.  Every one I make is a bit better than the last.  I'll make another hat for my hubby once I'm done my mystery project and my Bella hat, and my projects for our friend.  Maybe the rainbow hat I'm working on for her will turn out just right.  And then I'll have figured out just the right yarn/pattern/needle size combination to make the perfect hat.  And I can make hundreds of them!  (Not all in rainbow colors, of course.  I don't think anyone really need hundreds of rainbow hats!)  I've finished the purple section of the rainbow hat, and started on blue.  It's going to be a pretty cool hat, but it's a good thing I'm making it for someone else because I know I couldn't pull off wearing a rainbow on my head.  =D  Once I'm done this hat, if it fits the way I hope it will, I'll put up a pattern.

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