
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

We're Still Okay

We're getting settled into our home now, although it was tough to get settled in with Ricky's birthday and Christmas so soon after we arrived.  Ricky is jumping nicely into the "terrible twos" which are, in fact, pretty terrible.  Although, he's being abnormally well behaved today (cleaning up his toys by himself and listening to some of my "stop doing that" commands).  He's growing, FINALLY, and the pediatrician says he's almost catching up to where he should be as far as height and weight.  The pediatrician also said there is no way he's autistic after testing him again, but he still has a pretty distinct speech delay.  Fortunately, I'm not worrying too much about that right now, because he recently started trying to repeat everything we say.  He doesn't say everything well, and he doesn't say most of the words without us prompting him first, but he does TRY to say LOTS of things now!

I'm 34 weeks pregnant now- can you believe it?  I had Ricky when I was 36w6d pregnant when my water broke so it won't be long before I'm either more pregnant than I've EVER been or holding Owen in my arms.  My blood pressure is better this time around (it was 140/90 for the whole third trimester last time, but no preeclampsia) and this time it's lower.  I am pretty anemic but otherwise healthy.  I've gained about 17 pounds so far.  Scary, because I gained about 14 of those pounds in the last 3 months.  I feel like I've been packing it on super fast lately.  I'm happy that I've gained less than I did last time so far.  I was about 20-30 pounds more when I gave birth to Ricky than I am now.

Owen seems to be doing great.  He moves much much more than Ricky did and he's getting very strong!  He's head down, so I'll most likely get to try for a VBAC this time.  I'm really nervous- I hope I can handle labor.  I know I'll most likely survive, but I'm really hoping I can keep calm and collected and not panic no matter how painful it is.

Physically, I'm ready for Owen to come so I can have my body back.  Technically, we're not ready at all!  His wardrobe is lacking.  When we moved out of our last place we were on a serious time limit and had to leave behind a lot of things, some of which were pretty important.  Unfortunately, one of the boxes that didn't make it out was the box of Ricky's old newborn and 0-3 month clothes.  We have PLENTY 3-6 months and every size above that, but no newborn size.  We bought some onesies and several pairs of pants, but we don't have enough WARM clothes for him.  He's going to be born in winter, so we need warm!   I've made him a few sweaters, booties, and tons of hats, but we could totally use more long sleeve footy pajamas for him so he can be warm when he sleeps at night and can't be wrapped up in blankets.  We also need more bottles, a breast pump and lots of tiny diapers.

Maybe I'm pushing it a little (I know we can't afford it) but I'd LOVE to have a rocking chair and a new camera before he comes.  I have this vision of sitting in this particular corner of our bedroom at night, rocking Owen and looking out the window while he eats.  I also want a new camera because the one we have now is about 2 years old and has been through a lot in those 2 years.  The lens is getting scratched or dirty or something so most of the pictures turn out blurry and it takes like 10 seconds to take a picture half the time because it has to "load the flash" before every picture.  It didn't do that when we got it!  Half the time when I try to take a picture of something, the "something" is gone or done before the camera goes off, and I'm uncomfortable with how many blurry pictures I have been getting lately.  When we first got the camera I could snap a picture going 60mph, it would snap the picture instantly, and there would not be a single blur in the picture.  Now, not so much.  A few months ago I would have killed just to have a home, and I'm aware that my desperate want for a new camera is a little selfish.  I'm totally blaming it on being pregnant (what good is pregnancy if you can't blame everything on it?), the fact that I'm human and humans can't help having silly wants and desires sometimes, and also the fact that I'm obsessed with taking pictures.

I guess that's about everything new, I'd better go put my kiddo down for his nap!  


  1. Send me your new address so I can put together some yarn for you. Have they considered whether or not your son has a hearing problem? I ask because often hearing problems cause speech development delays. If you can't hear something well, it's hard to repeat it. As a person who had a hearing loss as a child, and took speech lessons in school because they thought I was "slow", I couldn't help but ask. I wasn't "slow", but they didn't know what to call things back then in the dark ages. Sit in front of a mirror, say words, have him watch your mouth form the word, have him do it where he can see how his mouth forms the word in front of the mirror. It will seem like a game to him. Tell him it's the mirror game.

  2. Just thinking of you-- guessing you maybe had the baby?? Hope all is well

  3. I'm checking in to see how your family is doing. Hoping you've had the baby by now, everything went smoothly, everybody is doing well, and we hear an update soon.


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