
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

When Can I Start Getting Paid For My Job? It's Hard Work!

It's impossibly hard to be a SAHM in someone else's house where your child isn't allowed to touch anything except a pile of toys that he got bored with weeks ago.  Sometimes I seriously consider locking the two of us up in the bathroom for a few hours simply because that is the only place where he can't break or ruin anything and I also wouldn't have to chase him around in my huge, uncomfortable, pregnant state.  I could even lay down on the bathroom rugs to rest.  Disgusting, but.... desperate times... well, you know the rest.

This too shall, hopefully, pass.  We "got" the apartment we applied for, but we still need to give the landlord the money to hold it (tomorrow) and then come up with the full security deposit and first month's rent before we can move in.  We're aiming to have all that money within a week and a half, but it might not be easy.

I've never wanted anything in my life as bad as I want to have my own bedroom again and a child-proofed bedroom/playroom for Ricky where he can safely touch and play with everything in the room.  I can't wait to stick him in there and sit down, watch him play, and RELAX in privacy.  Ah, Privacy.  Such a foreign concept.  I can't imagine after going through the past few months that I'll ever find as much value in material objects as everyone else seems to.  Warmth, food, safety, stability, privacy, good health.  Once my family and myself have all those things, I can't imagine anything else I'd really desperately want.

This is another one of those times where I wish everyone could learn the life lessons I'm learning without having to learn the hard way.  Many people who haven't been "homeless" to one degree or another don't truly realize the value of a home.  You just can't realize how great something is until you have to live without it- that's the way life goes.  But I'd never wish this on anyone just for the sake of "learning a lesson."  On the other hand, I acknowledge that I am extremely lucky that I'm not literally sleeping and living every day on the streets in the cold.  My life has been hard and stressful recently but I am blessed to have a roof over my head even if it's not MY roof.  There are many who don't even have that. 

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