
Saturday, September 10, 2011

What A Week.

What a week.

1.  We had a flood, a major flood, in our town.  I live right along the river and luckily the water didn't get high enough to make it up to our home in our particular spot.  But there were lots of other places in this town and other surrounding towns with severe flooding, accidents, and road closures.  We spent several days at home. Wait, we actually spend every day at home anyway.  At least I do.  I guess the flood really had no effect on me, other than the stress and worry it caused.

2.  Eric started his job last Friday.  He was supposed to work again every day this past Monday-Friday, but had to cancel several of those days due to the flood.  We were getting nervous that maybe he would get fired for calling off (he's gotten fired for less) but luckily the job seemed to understand and he worked again yesterday without any issues.  The training pay is crap but supposedly EVERY new person that comes into the company gets paid the same wage when they train.  Hopefully within a few weeks he will complete training and start getting paid more.  It's not a fancy company to work for but upper management gets paid pretty well in almost all restaurants so it can still turn out to be a pretty lucrative job.  Hubby is training for a management position and will hopefully get promotions and raises once he shows how great he is.  Employers always love him, which is why it amazes me so thoroughly that he has had such a hard time finding/keeping a job.

3.  Money issues.  Need I say more?  Every time I think that things can't possibly get financially worse, they do.  Lots of people dream about having fancy vacations and beautiful homes with big yards and perfect decorations.  I just dream about having a stable place to live, a hot bath every day (yeah, we don't have hot water right now), and LOTS of great yummy foods.  We haven't been starving, but let's just say that I can't send my hubby out to fetch me the things I'm craving.  We have to settle for whatever's in the house, and sometimes there isn't much to choose from.  I'm so looking forward to the day that I can give my hubby a list of my cravings and send him out on a mission.  He'll get his first paycheck in 2 weeks and hopefully there is enough that he can get me a few things I'm craving.  But the first priorities on our list (cat food, diapers, car insurance) will need to come first.  Unfortunately he will only be getting paid once every 2 weeks so it will take a little longer to get things straightened out money-wise.  We need money so desperately right now and could really benefit from WEEKLY pay.  But beggars can't be choosers.  At least he has a job!

4.  Yesterday was one of our anniversaries.  As of yesterday we've been a couple for 3 years.  September 30th is our 2 year wedding anniversary so that one's coming up too!  Things are still going great between us.  We don't necessarily spend every waking minute cuddling and holding hands like we did when we first fell in love, but we're still best friends and a great team.  We love being married and being together, and we truly couldn't imagine living life apart.  We argue sometimes, but not that much.  Usually when we do argue it's just me having a mood swing and taking it out on him.  I think the only thing that could be better in our relationship is the romance.  We aren't romantic together, ever.  I think it's because we don't have time, money, or privacy.  We definitely need to go out on some dates (dinner and a movie would be absolutely amazing) and have some time alone.  We haven't had a date in far too long and I think we're both starting to feel more like "parents" than like a married couple.  I think we should find a way to balance both.  Of course we're parents, and we'll always be parents, but that doesn't mean we should forget that we are married!  Unfortunately, we're not good at spending romantic time together without having money.  We tried to have some special time together last night after our son went to bed, but it ended up that he watched me on the computer for about half an hour (he was waiting for me to finish so we could watch a movie).  Then he got tired and I got tired and we had an argument and fell asleep.  I think I've determined that dinner and a movie is just what we need. 

Someday we'll get our date, I hope!


  1. Congrats on the job for Eric, hope things continue to go well. Sorry about the flood, I too would be nervous.

    You can have a romantic date at home. Get a shower, change cloths, put on some nice music. Leave the computer and the tv off. Sit outside if you have a yard/balcony or something along that line. Light a candle and just be together. Hold hands, chat. Eat your dinner out there by candle light after you put the little one down for the night.

  2. Yea! So so glad he got a job! That is awesome! And I don't think any couple is a lovey and cuddly as they were when they first got married


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