
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another Post, Already! That's 2 This Morning!

I know I already posted this morning but I have more to say!  First of all, yes, I did change the layout of the blog.  I got tired of the old one and thought this one was fabulous!  I also added a picture of Dupe and Dip (the kids) on the right panel.  In case you guys forgot, or skipped the blog that talks about their nicknames, Ricky is Dupe and Baby #2 is Dip.  Don't ask why, just accept.  =)

The thing I really want to say now is this:  I was looking at the "girl parts" ultrasound picture just now (you can find that picture a few blog posts down) and I started to panic.  What if it really is a girl, and not a boy?  What if the "penis" was the umbilical cord or what if the baby had a hand resting between the legs and it looked like a penis from the angle we were looking at?  What if those 3 lines are actually labia!?  They look like it!

Now that I've seen the "penis" I have gotten used to the idea that it's probably a boy.  I originally wanted the baby to be a girl, but I adjusted quickly to the news and now I want it to be a boy.  I've actually gone ahead and started calling him "Owen" in my head and I named one of the ultrasound pictures "Owen" on my computer.  I'll be so embarrassed if I call my baby Owen for the next 4 weeks and then find out it's a girl at the next ultrasound! 

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