
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 inches.. Already!? No way. I absolutely refuse to believe it.

It seems like just yesterday that I sent my hubby out to Wal-Mart for a pregnancy test and some yarn to make a baby sweater.  Despite my request for baby-sweater-making-yarn I seriously didn't think I was pregnant.  I had cramps and PMS for goodness sake.  I seriously felt like Aunt Flow was going to pop in any second for a visit and I just knew that as soon as my husband walked out of Wal-Mart with that pregnancy test that I would find the evidence in my underwear that the test was completely unnecessary.  I kept checking because I hoped to text him as soon as it happened so I could save him a few bucks.

But Aunt Flow didn't pop in that evening and so I didn't have to text hubby.  He got home with some super soft, beautiful yarn that I couldn't wait to start using.  He also brought the pregnancy test I had asked for and we ventured downstairs to the bathroom to "get it over with".  I've seen a lot of "negative" pregnancy tests in my life and knew this one would be negative as well.  I just wanted to get back upstairs to my yarn!  

I did my thing (pregnancy tests are gross) and put the test on the side of the sink.  They say a watched pot never boils, but watching a pregnancy test really has no effect on the outcome whatsoever.  I promise.  

I watched the result window as the urine passed through and darkened the screen from the left side to the right side.  I was waiting for the control line on the right side to pop up so I would know that the test worked properly, but instead... the line on the left side was there instantly and dark.  Really dark.  I literally said to my husband, who was still silent, "Uh oh.  That's not the line that is supposed to pop up."  I think I laughed nervously after I said that, like I was on a blind date and trying to make small talk.  I guess finding out that you are pregnant does odd things to your brain.  The control line popped up a second or two after the "pregnant" line, but it was pretty light because the "pregnant" line was literally so dark that it stole most of the dye and left little for the control line.

That was 3 months ago.  I'm 18 weeks pregnant today and when I came to my blog today the pregnancy ticker at the top of my screen says that my baby is about 10" long from head to toe right now!  Since I have a hard time believing that Dip is already over HALF the length that Ricky was when he was born (17.5") I did some quick research.  The one site I found says that my baby will be about 10" long from head to toe 2 weeks from now.  I don't know, honestly, exactly how long my baby is today.  But he's probably at least 8 or 9 inches long, judging from what I've read online.  How is that possible?  How is he already so big?  It's hard to believe that in less than 2 months I'll be at the point in my pregnancy where my baby is considered "viable".  As in:  If something goes wrong and I deliver early, the baby might actually survive.  This pregnancy seems to be going faster than my last one.  That one seemed to last forever.


  1. ThE second def does as you are busy with the first. Make sure you take lots of pictures and write things down as if you are like me, you will forget.

  2. It's all pretty amazing & sometimes, it's easier to imagine what's going on inside since you've a;ready been through this before, but it's still pretty amazing.


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