I thought I missed being pregnant... Until I actually got pregnant again. I'm only 6 weeks pregnant (I think) and I am already having morning sickness and migraines. The last time I was pregnant I didn't mind morning sickness too much because it normally only happened when I ate something my prego belly didn't want. I would feel nauseous for a little while, then I would vomit, and then I would feel GREAT. It really didn't affect my quality of life that much. That is just not the case this time.
This time I feel nauseous every single time my stomach is empty. Instead of vomiting and feeling relief, I have to eat in order to feel better. Eating while feeling nauseous is extremely difficult and uncomfortable and an hour or 2 later I start feeling nauseous again. I don't want to eat every 2 hours, I don't want to raid the fridge every 2 hours, I don't want to send hubby to get me food every 2 hours, and there's no way in hell I'm going to cook every 2 hours. There is just nothing good about this.
Did I mention that my pain threshold is so low that I nearly have a panic attack every time I have a severe migraine or any form of nausea? I really can't handle discomfort! I also get nauseous when I get migraines sometimes, and I had a migraine today. Double the nausea = a doubly grumpy Mommy. On the bright side, Hubby bought me some Tylenol today so I was finally able to get rid of my migraine that started this morning. We only had ibuprofen in the house up until today and that's a no-no for pregnant ladies. I admit, I cheated once about a week ago and took 1 ibuprofen when I had an excruciating migraine and could not stand it anymore. I don't plan on doing that again for the whole pregnancy. It was only a last resort that one time.
I did some research online and found out that ibuprofen is proven to be risky during the third trimester of pregnancy because a chemical in ibuprofen can cause on of the arteries in the baby's heart to close, or something like that. A few of the websites said that ibuprofen is probably okay in the first trimester, and one or 2 doses early on is not likely to be risky whatsoever. But just in case, I waited for the Tylenol today, and thank goodness it worked very fast! I took rapid release gel-caps and felt quite a bit better almost right away. I still feel a lot better right now as I'm typing this and I'm thinking about taking a nap soon, since I can't sleep when I feel sick. *Yawn* Pregnancy is no fun, but I do enjoy having a valid excuse to relax and nap when I want to. Eric takes great care of me and I don't know how I could do this without his support.
Hey i think you should consult doctor.