
Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Get Rich Later Scheme

I had some crazy dreams last night (2 dreams) that I found out Eric was some almost-immortal being who only ages 2 physical years every 500 years, knows pretty much everything, and can only die of old age.  In order to die of old age he'd have to live for like 25,000 years.  He could just think about the person or situation he wants to know something about and he could either hear the answer or see a vision that answers the question.  He could replay everything I did that day in his head even if he wasn't there to see it.  In my dream, when I found out about his abilities, I asked him if he knew the anniversary present I got him.  He solemnly shook his head yes, as if he was embarrassed and wished he had the ability to be surprised on our anniversary.  If the person was someone he didn't know or the situation was one he had no connection with (such as something someone did on the other side of the world who he's never met) he had a little bit of trouble coming up with an answer, but could concentrate better if he zoned out in front of a TV or listened to white noise of some sort.

If I were Stephenie Meyer I could write a whole book about my dream and get rich quick- but obviously not until the book was done and published later (yeah right).  Just in case, I jotted down all the silly details in a notebook so I won't forget them if I ever decide to try my hand at novel-writing.  Maybe I should give it a go.  =)

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